Maturity comes from experience!!!
I often hear people bothering each other about who is more mature or who is less mature or who is not mature at all.
What is maturity ? I mean, when do you believe that he or she is a mature person or there exists an age after which someone is declared matured and certified with the tag ?
Is maturity related to someone’s behavior with others or is it how the way you keep your opinion about something or is it dependent on various kinds of rights given by the people around you and how you use or misuse them or is it related to the choices you make in your life or is it dependent on the way you eat ,talk,walk,pray,love,sit & stand etc etc.
When I googled the definition of maturity I found that its the state, face or period of being mature. It is the quality of behavior mentally and emotionally like an adult. This means when your biological growth transforms from child to an adult it means you are mature. Maturity is never related to the way others expect you to be or want you to do. It absolutely depends on your mental state of judging what will be good or bad for you. It’s the self power empowered within you to handle various things that come in your way and it’s not necessary that in that process you turn out to be perfect or the best. Your maturity doesn’t teach you various lessons in life but it’s your experience that teaches you and guide you that how you handle something in a better way the next time when you go through the same situation in life. When someone tells you that you are immature,do focus on the fact that you are inexperienced and be happy from inside that one day you will be better in that particular thing when you will be an experience holder. If you are handling something in an effective way , it doesn’t mean that you are more mature , it means you are more experienced and you have always learnt from your experiences and haven’t forgotten those lessons too. Now we can say that our brain is not the only thing responsible for what we do in our lives and how we act but our everyday experiences are highly countable. I also presume that sometimes we need multiple exposure to same kind of circumstances in life as we are human beings with hearts in us and we tend to take risks despite of a lesson learnt and the outcome of those risks make us more mature for living another levels in life.
I am a dentist and I very well know that maturity can never bring excellence in me ,but my daily work and my will to acquire and apply those learnt lessons in my practice will keep making me better each day.
So guys keep taking risks,keep learning,keep experiencing and keep shining.
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